Reconstructions of Ostia and Portus from the air – painted by Katatexilux

A marvellous Italian website has come to my attention.  It’s called Progetto Katatexilux, and may be found at  (Note that you need to use Chrome to view this).

This pair of artists have drawn reconstructions of the ancient world.  Here are a couple of from their Ostia Antica project.  The first is Ostia:

I have been to Ostia several times, and I never realised that the river ran to the right, as you walked down the main street, starting from the railway at the right.

At the top of the first image is the new port built by Claudius, Portus.  And here it is!

The illustrations have been made for books.  They clearly need to be commissioned to do many more of these!


H/T Pablo Diaz on Twitter.


2 thoughts on “Reconstructions of Ostia and Portus from the air – painted by Katatexilux

  1. I use Mozilla:Firefox and saw the whole spectacular array, so Chrome isn’t requisite. Thanks for passing this along. It’s a stunning piece of work!

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