Eusebius book news

The remains of the Gospel Problems and Solutions of Eusebius of Caesarea exist in two chunks.  Firstly there is a long epitome, and then there is a mass of fragments of the original work, which together are longer than the epitome.  There is a critical text of the epitome, but not of the fragments.

People I have consulted universally tell me that they would like the Greek facing the English translation that I commissioned.  So I have asked the Sources Chretiennes, and the Editions Cerf who publish them, for permission to print a copy of their text opposite, as in a Loeb.

Good news!  I heard from them today, and they have agreed.  The price for doing so seems very reasonable.  Frankly I was prepared to abandon the idea of printing the Greek, had it been otherwise.  But there is now no reason not to proceed.

This means that I must now negotiate rights on the fragments.  Fortunately (?) most of them have never been edited since Migne, so there are no rights!  But there are three fragments of Anastasius of Sinai that I need to use.   I’ll have to find out who the publisher is and ask them.  But the total size must be about a page; and I don’t much care if they refuse and I have to use Migne.

Also there are a few pages of extracts from St. Ambrose of Milan and St. Jerome.  For these, slightly embarassingly, I find that the Sources Chretiennes are also the most recent critical edition.  I wish I had known that when I originally asked!  No matter; I have written back, thanking them, and asking if these can be included in the deal also.

Again, if not it hardly matters.  I collated the Jerome, and there was no substantive difference at all.  (The Ambrose is longer, and I ran out of puff!)  But let’s try to do things the way it should be done.

Of course this also means that I’m going to have to enter material not in Migne by hand.  I wonder if there are people who know polytonic Greek who would be willing (for money) to do this?  If so, please use this form and let me know, and we’ll talk.  I can’t pay much, but I can pay something.

Even more fun, I will have to get the Syriac text transcribed.  This was originally printed without vowels, ca. 1900; but I can hardly print an unvocalised text today.  So I will have to get back to the translator and ask for help. 

I expect the Syriac is out of copyright, tho.  I must remember to check!


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