Via Tommy Wasserman at Evangelical Textual Criticism I learn of some rather exciting news!
The Baptist Standard reports (2012-07-10) from the same summer institute citing Jeff Fish (editor of the new Brill series) who said:
Scholars also mentored students editing some of the earliest fragments of the New Testament, with some dating to the second century, Fish said. Other discoveries are fragments of copies of some of St. Augustine’s commentaries on John’s Gospel and the Psalms, . . .
There is a little more on the session here, although no more about Augustine.
Also, it looks as if New Testament material will not relegate other material to the sidelines: Dr W. reckons that “the first volume will not contain the NT MSS”. Information from this interview with Jerry Pattengale in Indiana Wesleyan University (2012-08-02):
Comprising of one to two new volumes per year, the new series will publish approximately 20 papyri with a thorough description, commentary with images, and web-based support for further resources.
The first forthcoming volume in the series, planned to be released in early 2013, is dedicated to an early 3c BCE papyrus containing an extensive, undocumented work by Aristotle on reason, and is currently being analyzed by a research group at Oxford University.
Of course the biblical material is no doubt of very great importance; but classical and patristic material is pretty interesting too!
Well done, Steven Green, for getting hold of all this stuff, and making it available!