Our two fragments of story of St Nicholas, BHL 6173 and 6175, originate from a early 12th century sermon on St Nicholas by Honorius of Augustodunensis. But not directly.
In the late 12th century somebody created a massive 4-volume collection of material about the saints, in saint’s day order. Each volume contained 3 months of the year. The manuscripts that survive are all held in Austrian collections, and so it is known as the Magnum Legendarium Austriacum, or MLA for short. There is in fact a substantial Austrian website devoted to this text, which may be found here. It even has a page on each saint; Nicholas is here, and even links to an early edition for the Translatio text.
It looks as if Diarmuid O’Riain is the scholar currently at work on the MLA, and his very useful “New Investigation” paper is online at Academia here. He also has a CV here, (with quite possibly the worst photograph I have ever seen on any academic CV ever!), and is clearly doing good work. Sadly his 2020 article “Neue Erkenntnisse zur Entstehung und Überlieferung des Magnum Legendarium Austriacum” here, pinpointing the abbey of Admont as the probable origin of the collection, is hidden uselessly behind a firewall.
The Magnum Legendarium Austriacum collection was detailed by Albert Poncelet, “De Magno Legendario Austriaco,” Analecta Bollandiana 17 (1898) 24–96, and the contents of the St Nicholas material may be found in appendix XXII, p.204-9. Fortunately I have access to this. Item 32, “Miraculum de vase aureo” (Miracle of the golden vessel) and item 34, “De imagine S. Nicolai” (The image of St Nicholas) are what the Bollandists list as BHL 6173 and 6175. These excerpts themselves then appear independently in other manuscripts, as we have seen.
But it follows that the manuscripts of the Magnum Legendarium Austriacum will also contain our text.
One of the witnesses to this collection is held at Heiligenkreuz, mss. 11-14. St Nicholas’ Day is December 6th, so it is the last volume in which we are interested, Heiligenkreuz 14, online here. The website has a nice set of links to literature about the manuscript. The St. Nicholas material is on f.57r to f. 65v.
Using the left menu to find the St. Nicholas stuff takes you to folio 57r. Then clicking on “Scroll” takes you into a scrollable viewer. I’m rather taking to this, much as I hate viewers, because it is so very fast. Most online viewers are like wading through treacle. I wish I could zoom in and out using the mouse-wheel on my mouse tho.
A bit of moving and I find our texts on f.64v and f.65. I still can’t see how to download the individual pages from scroll view, nor how to flip back to the standard view while staying on f.64v.

Fortunately there is no need for me to do so. I now have a text of these two pieces, based on what the text and translation that I made for Honorius Augustodunensis in my last post, and that will do for my purposes.
All the same the resources do exist at manuscripta.at to collate the manuscripts of the MLA at this point, and had I known of them sooner, I would have used them.
We’re still in the early days of manuscript websites. Nobody quite knows how best to do this stuff. The problem is compounded by the fact that website developers mostly have no idea about how they should be used by reseachers. One day someone will figure out how to do it, and then everyone will go “Oh! So that’s how it’s done!” and do likewise. But I am quite grateful for how much is online now. None of this work would have been possible even 5 years ago.