8 thoughts on “People with knowledge of Coptic and Arabic

  1. Re: post subject (Yahoo acting up again) —

    You could contact both the Semitics & Egyptian
    and the Early Christian Studies departments at
    The Catholic University of America (and also
    Harvard Div, Duke Div, Brigham Young and ND).

    Since you posted about Origen & Eusebius recently,
    I did a quick check for Field’s edition of the Hexapla.

    It’s been online for quite a while (at least 2006?).

    I don’t recall whether you’ve posted previously about
    it, nor whether it has been linked to anywhere else –
    but enjoy!




    PS. A footnote from a 1950s book indicated sixteen factual
    errors in one biographical entry from the Enyclopedia
    Britannica (and a proportionate amount in Schaff-Herzog).

    Food for thought in these days of digitization.

  2. Most of the translators of the Nag Hammadi texts. Try April at forbiddengospels.blogspot.com. She’s a blogger and she reads and loves your blog. She’s also very helpful and nice!

  3. Thanks for the suggestions, people! Stephen Davis did kindly do a bit of work for me on something, but he was really much too busy to do more.

    Does April de Connick know Arabic, Stephan?

    Thanks for the notes about the Hexapla edition, Chaerephon! The note on biography was interesting. The past is vanishing all the time. When I look at Wikipedia articles about 70’s rock bands, the omissions and errors from what I remember seem striking.

  4. I was half asleep when I typed that. I only saw the Coptic part. Sorry

  5. I will send an email to Karlheinz Schlusser about his skills in Arabic. Yes he is native tongue is German but he is absolutely fluent in English.

  6. You may also want to look up Jason Zaborowski at Bradley University; his dissertation/book on John of Phanajoit made use of both Coptic and Arabic texts.

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