Eusebius update

The proof copy has arrived from Lulu, and looks very good.  This is all down to Bob Buller, the typesetter, and the amount of work he did is only now clear.

Terrible cover, tho — it looked fine on screen, but not in reality.  The proof copies I have just ordered will just have white card covers.  But I am coming to realise how important the book cover is for online sales.  I must get this designed, and also a website.

The Syriac text is a little on the small side, in print.  I shall have to consider whether we can increase the font size.

But we’ve now reached the proof stage.   That is a milestone.  I admit to being rather sick of seeing those pages, tho, as indeed the translators must be!  I never realised how much work was involved in publishing.


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