Hunting the wild misquotation – “our Father was crucified”

At Paleojudaica, Jim Davila has an odd story from an Israeli newspaper, featuring a quotation from an ancient author:

A VERY ODD STORY from Arutz Sheva:

Shocking ‘Land of Israel’ Exam Shows Christian Crosses
High school “Land of Israel” exam features Christian crosses. Is the Education Ministry trying to undermine students with Christianity?

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 7/8/2012, 8:58 AM

High school students last week were shocked by a matriculation exam in “Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology” that showed Christian crosses and referred to a place where “our father was crucified.”


I’m really scratching my head over this:

The exam included a quote from a Christian pilgrim who visited Jerusalem and wrote in a dairy about “the little hill of Golgotha ​where our father was crucified.”

It would be very unusual for a Christian pilgrim, or any other kind of Christian, to refer to Jesus as “our father.” Either this pilgrim had some confused ideas about the Trinity or Arutz Sheva has made a mistake. I would like to know more about the source of this quotation.

The source is not far to seek, I fear.  A lazy journalist has used Wikipedia as his source, and is quoting from here, misremembering as he typed:

In 333, the Pilgrim of Bordeaux, entering from the east described the result:

“On the left hand is the little hill of Golgotha where the Lord was crucified. About a stone’s throw from thence is a vault [crypta] wherein his body was laid, and rose again on the third day. There, at present, by the command of the Emperor Constantine, has been built a basilica; that is to say, a church of wondrous beauty.”[12]

The “reference” given is “Itinerarium Burdigalense, pages 593, 594.”  Naturally there is no indication of edition.  The Latin is online and reads:

A sinistra autem parte est monticulus golgotha, ubi dominus crucifixus est.

[594] Inde quasi ad lapidem missum est cripta, ubi corpus eius positum fuit et tertia die resurrexit; ibidem modo iussu constantini imperatoris basilica facta est, id est dominicum, mirae pulchritudinis habens ad latus excepturia, unde aqua leuatur, et balneum a tergo, ubi infantes lauantur.

The “page reference” would appear, thus, to be to the Latin.


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