Eusebius update

I’ve been trying to process the last outstanding problem on the text of the Eusebius Gospel Problems and Solutions book.  In essence the translator has decided that she wants to include an extra fragment.  

Of course that also means hunting out the Coptic text, and transcribing it, and recognising — although I don’t know Coptic — precisely where on the line the text is supposed to start and stop.  I’ve done this myself, and completed the task this morning.  It’s about 100 words of English, and the same of Coptic.  I’ve also managed to render the translator’s somewhat diffuse comments into a couple of footnotes. 

I think I will pass this new material across to the typesetter as a small Word file, rather than try to add it as stickys to the PDF. 

In the process of typing Coptic — a first for me — I have discovered a couple of problems with the Alphabetum font I have been using for Coptic.  These I have reported to the font owner.

There is also some kind of note that needs to be added about how the original editor of the Coptic handled spaces.  When I can understand what is required, I will compose something.  And that will be the last change.  Laus deo!


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